Party In Fondren!
Don't let people fool you when they tell you they are going to Fondren "library" because we all know what goes down in Fondy. I can count the number of times I've been to Fondren on one hand because I actually need to get work done when I go to a legit library. Exam week was my absolute favorite...I don't know if it was the fact that the lady at the desk kept announcing how many minutes till each event they had would take place ie. waffles in the lobby in way too much detail, the fact that people don't understand the concept of headphones, people forming "study groups" aka social networks about how much they hate to study rather than actually doing it, people talking about their whole life stories on the phone with the speaker phone on (that is not a lie or even an exaggeration), people hooking up in the West Stacks (yes that actually happens) or the fact that is so crowded it takes you thirty minutes just to find a seat/ heaven forbid you try and use a study room without signing up for it. Don't believe me? Just check peoples' facebook statuses. The secret to my study success is Bridwell Library. Yes you can hear a pin drop and everytime you make a sudden moment you get stared at but I need to study within a more professional environment. Four hours in Bridwell is equivalent to a whole day in Fondren. Even though college is all about studying and getting your degree, we all know there is so much more to it than that and in order for me to enjoy those aspects I chose not to follow the Fondy trend.
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