Oh Rebecca Black where to begin...Congratulations you are probably the only person in the entire world who can ruin the term FRIDAY! You can't sing, your lyrics are written by a third grader, you can't act, but your parents must really love you in order to pay for your own "official" music video, which includes an unknown rapper. Hate to break it to you but the 119, 956, 088 people who have viewed your video aren't watching it because they think its good. Are you sure Saturday comes after Friday and Thursday comes before Friday?
Monday, April 25, 2011
Spring Vs. Summer
Playlist #1 Playlist #2
1. Regina Spektor 1. Katy Perry
2. Ingrid Michaelson 2. Rihanna
3. Jason Moran 3. Kanye
4. Jack Johnson 4. Black Eyed Peas
5. John Mayer 5. Drake
6. Adele 6. Keri Hilson
Give Me Your Forever
Christine Jonas,A true blogger who is always willing to give me some pointers. To me, she truly is in touch with what she loves and clearly portrays how she views the beauty of the world through the eyes of her blog.
Insignificant Greetings
It's become a common courtesy every time you see someone you know to smile and say:
"Hi, how are you?"
"Good, you?"
It doesn't matter if you are having the worst day of your life your answer generally tends to either be good or great. I have found that when I am having a terrible day and when people ask "how are you" and I give them a honest answer they really don't care and then the passing by just becomes awkward. I think it's sad that in today's society everyone is so busy and caught up in so many activities that something so simple as a greeting between two people has lost its value. After this school work week of hell aka zombie central, I'm going to try and take the extra time to be more sincere when greeting friends. Hey, what do I have to lose?
Heaven forbid you actually go to these events sober
1. Boulevarding
2. Phi Delt Casino
3. Pike Powder Puff
4. Delta Gamma Anchorsplash
5. Relay for Life
6. Mane Event
7. Sunday Mass at the church on the corner
8. Tree Lighting Ceremony
9. Class
10. Graduation
Powerful Women Throughout History
Why Didn't I Think of That? ;)
I fully intended to mock this website just like all the other "top 100 things to blog about" but then I actually read his 101. I respect his ideas because they are all tools and ways to reach a certain topic of discussion but he doesn't just blatantly give you a topic to write about. Most of these are taking what ideas you already have and just tweaking them or looking at them from a different point of view. He gives you the chance to still express yourself in these ideas, which is a lot harder than it looks when it comes to being creative.
Sea Fever
I had to recite a poem for my class in the 3rd grade and use objects to animate the metaphors in the poem. For some reason out of all the assignments, projects, essays, tests, and other memorization tasks I have always remembered this poem and will probably never forget it. My love for the ocean is strong and this poem will always hit home for me.
"I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,
And a grey mist on the sea's face, and a grey dawn breaking.
I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.
I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull's way and the whale's way, where the wind's like a whetted knife;
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,
If your house was on fire and you could only grab 5 items what would they be and why?!
I have honestly never been able to answer this question.
I never got to meet my mom's mother but hearing stories from my two sisters and my mom she was an amazing woman. I have pictures of her holding me as a baby but as much as I try I don't remember her. All I have are eight of her silver, antique bangles that I wear for special occasions to know that she is there with me in spirit always. I am my mother's daughter, and someday hope to be a grandmother like my mothers.
The Christian Science Monitor
I am a Christian Scientist, no not a Scientologist that believes in aliens like Tom Cruise, but a spiritual healer. Our discoverer and founder Mary Baker Eddy not only created our supplement book to the Bible, Science and Health but also the Global news organization Christian Science Monitor. Since the 20th century this monitor has been considered such a sensation to get involved in and here is a segment taken from their mission statement explaining why:
If you have never gotten news covered from any of their publications I highly recommend this unbiased and truthful source. So the next time you can't decide between the Jon Steward Show and the Colbert Report why not try researching the many outlets of the CS Monitor? If it's not really your cup of tea at least watch Jon, Colbert is just rigid and obnoxious.
"The Christian Science church doesn't publish news to propagate denominational doctrine; it provides news purely as a public service. Here's why: If the basic theology of that church says that what reaches and affects thought shapes experiences, if follows that a newspaper would have signifiant impact on the lives of those who read it. News with the motive “to injure no man, but to bless all mankind” cannot but help improve society and individual lives. The idea is that the unblemished truth is freeing (as a fundamental human right); with it, citizens can make informed decisions and take intelligent action, for themselves and for society."
If you have never gotten news covered from any of their publications I highly recommend this unbiased and truthful source. So the next time you can't decide between the Jon Steward Show and the Colbert Report why not try researching the many outlets of the CS Monitor? If it's not really your cup of tea at least watch Jon, Colbert is just rigid and obnoxious.
Can You Outsmart a Tornado?
This past weekend I was with my family in St. Louis when the tornado took out the airport and several houses along Highway 40. We spent a few hours in our family friend's basement while baseball sized hail came crashing down on the roof. Luckily, the tornado touched down about 20 minutes from our location and we weren't directly affected. The Lambert airport was closed indefinitely for about 24 hours and the following day about 70% of the airport was up and running. We got to fly out the next day with no problem because our terminal had minimal damage. Several people's flights were cancelled so they had to fly out of Chicago, which is a 5 hour drive from St. Louis. There were no deaths from the tornado but there were multiple injuries and lots of structural, electrical, and landscape damage. After seeing all the destructive images on the internet I found an emergency preparedness quiz and decided to take. With all these crazy April storms occurring for the May flowers I thought it would be a good idea to stay informed. Scoring a 7/11 is more than half but not by much, can you do better?
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Advertisement That Changes Lives
While sitting in the airport waiting for my flight to board, I came across this Southwest Airline billboard and I literally laughed out loud. The passengers around me gave me a look like I was a freak, but I honestly couldn't care less because this advertisement had made my day. It's amazing an idea that is so simple and witty can change a person's day. I think that is why I decided to major in advertising because just like in dance I want to change someone's perspective on life or make their day better by my contribution to the world. I remember when I was younger I would turn on the t.v. the second I got home at 4 and would just be a zombie that was so taken by the fascination of what t.v could offer to me. In today's society, technology is the major factor in all our lives and advertising through this media can either impact someone's life positively, negatively, or not at all. I want to be the person that creates an ad and leaves people with a sense of fulfillment every time they see. Or even better I want my advertisement to give them insight on their lives in a way that will want them to be a better person. In a greater sense, the whole concept of "pay it forward". Our industry doesn't have enough ads that do that. This ad isn't solving any major problem yet it acknowledges the rough economic times we are in and creates the image that with loyalty to this brand you can get through it together; even in a humorous way.
The Pure Meaning of my Blog
What Best Friends are for
So we all have that one best friend who is crazy and no matter what she does you love her because she is so random it makes your day. If you don't, well you definitely should because although mine is at FSU right now and we don't really get a chance to see each other that often every time we talk I am always in a better mood. This week is definitely going to be a challenging week for me with school coming to a close and when I signed on Facebook today I had a little surprise waiting for me from her. She is one of those girls that is always finding innovative/ entertaining stuff to do, very fashionable, smart, fun, hilarious and the girl that all the guys fall for...oh and did I mention never holds back when it comes to telling you what's on her mind? Anyway, so I sign onto Facebook today and this is what I found with no explanation or even a "hi"...Customize your own Barbara Streisand. Her nickname for me is Breh Breh or Brebs and when she made my Facebook for me in 8th grade instead of putting my full last name she just put Brianna OC as my display name and I have never changed it. Customizing your own name into the techno Barbara Streisand song? Genius, or at least I think so and that's probably why we are besties.
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I am a full foot taller than her |
How to: Get A Guy’s Attention
Whether it’s a an ex, current or soon to be boyfriend when girls get together we like to talk and boys are what we like to talk about. Recently, a group of my girlfriends and I got together and ate sushi at our go to place, Sushi Kyoto. One of my friends at the other end of the table was talking about how the other day she read in some magazine this trick to getting a boy’s attention in a nonchalant manner. What you do is call them and place the phone on the table and talk like they aren’t there/ you butt dialed them. Whether they pick up the phone and listen or whether they get a lovely voicemail from you it doesn’t matter. While you and your girls are talking, which most of the time they guy can’t even make out clearly what you are saying, the guy is listening. This immature, absurd idea is actually quite comical and you would be surprised how guys respond to this type of phone call. Their first reaction is that you are calling them because you need them but when they find out “it’s a mistake” and you are having fun without them they are intrigued. We all got very different responses haha so I guess it depends on the type of guy you are dealing with, but the one thing all the responses had in common was that it definitely got their attentions. This whole idea reminded me of one of my favorite movies of all times, How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days. Love can be a game, but when it becomes that people get hurt.
Cielo Green, "Fuck You"
This maybe the best song ever created, just saying. I’m the type of person that doesn’t sweat the small stuff and unless you really make a mistake or I just let a bunch of stuff build up I am very mellow yellow. Everyone is always saying “it’s the quiet ones you have to worry about” really I have never gone psycho or threatened anyone in my life, but I do tend to let things build up. Exercising and dancing help me relieve that tension 99.9% of the time. I avoid confrontations at all costs because I hate the awkwardness right after it’s all said and done. The opposite side of that though is the fact that you start to become a pushover if you let people push you around too much. With all that said, I do confess that during times of despair or when I am pissed off I like to play this song in my car at a very high volume and I like scream the lyrics. Some dance around in their rooms naked I’ve heard…but that’s not really my style. It’s become a joke between my friend Amanda (Panda) and I because every time she is in the car with me this song comes on and we just naturally start getting way to into it. Amanda is a very blunt friend of mine and she is the type of person that will tell you to your face if she has a problem with you, so basically she is my idol when it comes to telling people off.
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Panda and I in the snow |
Yes, I am 5 Years Old
*Warning: Play at your own risk! www.isketch.net
In times of true desperation, aka normally during midterms or finals, my friends and I always seem to find an extra procrastination distraction to get us through the long nights. Freshmen year first semester it was just facebook, second semester it was the bejeweled game on facebook, Sophomore year first semester is was snake on facebook and this semester it is isketch. Yes, these are all games that can easily be played by a 5 year old, but that’s the beauty of these games. They are VERY competitive with their score cards, which are placed on everyone’s wall every time one of your friends gets a better score than you. The fact that anyone with half a brain can play these and be good at them provides an escape and relaxation in our stressful lives. This isketch game is awesome no lies. It is a pictionary game on the Internet in which 10 random Internet players each take a turn drawing a word and you get points for guessing it right and for drawing a good picture. It’s completely free, and if you aren’t in the same room as your friends you can all find each other and compete in a private room.
So Much More Than Just Your ABC’s
Have you ever had a teacher that has significantly changed your life? Luckily, I have been fortunate to have several that have seriously made a positive impact on my life. I feel like teachers are seriously underrated because everyone thinks that with an education anyone can teach, but in reality that is so not the case. I have had brilliant teachers with their Phd who suck because they first of all they can’t speak English, second of all can’t relate to a normal human being, and third of all can’t dumb down the material in order to explain it better. (But then you have teachers with their Phd who are exactly opposite). My sister is getting her masters in teaching right now, but my family has always known she would make a great elementary school teacher. My main point is that teachers are the type of people who have to love their job and need to teach for the intrinsic value. When other factors come into play, the students unfortunately aren’t going to ultimately feel motivated.
Currently, my modern dance teacher is probably the craziest lady I have ever met yet I can’t even describe the respect I have for her. She has traveled the world and has lived life to the fullest through dance. In class, she is strict about details and has high expectations for us, which motivates us to work hard for ourselves. She is always giving us metaphors from our everyday life in order to give us different avenues to express ourselves artistically. The thing I admire most about her is the fact that she literally will do anything in order to make a point for us to grow as artists. A perfect example is the time she literally got done on all fours and mimicked her dog Fe Fe’s actions verbatim in order to portray the message of using hyper qualities when finishing a dance movement. Teachers who dedicate their lives to teaching students not only the basic subject matter, but also the macro perspective on life are the people who are making our world a better place to live in.
Love and Marriage 101
This past weekend my family and I visited my eldest sister in St. Louis for her wedding shower J!!! Yes, we are a little excited…one almost down and two sisters left to marry off. The first night we had dinner with the in laws, which was the first time everyone was together and for most of us the first initial meeting of the in laws. The night started off great and everyone surprising got along really well. Both mothers liked to chat, especially about cats, and both fathers talked about sports. Halfway through the meal the question of how both couples had stayed in a successful marriage for so long (Roughly over 30 years) was asked and here were their answers:
*Dad’s answer- In marriage, just like life, you will have high points and low points but the thing to keep in mind is the low points are insignificant and you have to let them just go past you.
*Mom’s answer- My husband’s humor and our longtime friendship.
*Father in Law’s answer- My wife has always taken care our family, especially our son.
*Mother in Law’s answer- Mr. Nichols loves me and I hear about how much he loves me all the time.
*Later my dad, who everyone finds quite the charmer and a very honest man, made a statement about introductory conversations and how to approach people. He said “when first talking to someone find out what their passions are in life and what they like to do and not only will you not have an awkward moment but the people will generally take a strong liking to you because they feel like you are interested in them”. I will definitely take that more into consideration during rush week because even though I am considered a talker there are always awkward moments during that week.
Who Stole The Cookie From the Cookie Jar?
Starting at a young age we are taught about blame, through a light hearted song. Although the lyrics to this song seem innocent and the concept of stealing cookies from a cookie jar seem irrelevant recent events in my life have made me feel that finding a scapegoat for our own mistakes in life are way to common. No one is perfect (definitely not me), but I guess I missed the memo where it’s ok in today’s society to not own up to your mistakes. Even worse, I have recently been in a situation where a friend has clearly been wrong (coming from opinions consisting of multiple sources) and the said person even had the balls to tell me how I am living my life wrong?! Sorry but if you can cheat on your boyfriend without feeling like you did something wrong not only are you heartless, but you’re crazy to sit there and judge my actions. Finally, don’t tell everyone the edited version of the story, which makes you look innocent, and makes me look like a biatch for calling you out on your actions…own up to your mistake so I don’t have to do it for you. kthanksbye
Song link: Cookie Jar
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