Sunday, April 24, 2011

Advertisement That Changes Lives

While sitting in the airport waiting for my flight to board, I came across this Southwest Airline billboard and I literally laughed out loud.  The passengers around me gave me a look like I was a freak, but I honestly couldn't care less because this advertisement had made my day.  It's amazing an idea that is so simple and witty can change a person's day.  I think that is why I decided to major in advertising because just like in dance I want to change someone's perspective on life or make their day better by my contribution to the world.  I remember when I was younger I would turn on the t.v. the second I got home at 4 and would just be a zombie that was so taken by the fascination of what t.v could offer to me. In today's society, technology is the major factor in all our lives and advertising through this media can either impact someone's life positively, negatively, or not at all.  I want to be the person that creates an ad and leaves people with a sense of fulfillment every time they see.  Or even better I want my advertisement to give them insight on their lives in a way that will want them to be a better person.  In a greater sense, the whole concept of "pay it forward".  Our industry doesn't have enough ads that do that.  This ad isn't solving any major problem yet it acknowledges the rough economic times we are in and creates the image that with loyalty to this brand you can get through it together; even in a humorous way.

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