Monday, February 28, 2011

The Ballerina Project

I recently "liked" and became a fan of The Ballerina Project on Facebook.  This project started in New York and it is a photography collaboration between ballet, art, fashion against city landscapes.  Simply put this is modern art that people sell for an extrinsic value, but to so many artists in the world, myself included, there is so much more intrinsic motivations for this. If you want to make money in life don't have anything to do with the arts.  Whether its dancing, painting, singing or etc. you live paycheck to paycheck and the reason you continue to do what you love is based off of pure passion.  Since the age of four I have continuously strived for perfection in my dancing and even though I know it will never happen, the closer I do get to it each day is a special reward that no one can understand unless they personally go through it.  That is why the art community is so small and why we make instantaneous bonds with the artists around us; it's because we all understand.  In these pictures, there is a powerful contrast between the industrial city life and the graceful, careless ballerinas.  These ballerinas and their long, slender bodies create dominating lines that draw the viewer into this world that they will never be apart of.
                                   More Ballet Photo Examples

Practice Safe Breath

My roommates and I were watching t.v. the other day and when this commercial came on we all loved it.  Because the three of us are Ad majors we started discussing why we felt it was such a good ad.  The first reason, this is unlike any type of gum advertisement.  We all recognize the generic gum commercials that we see all the time but this is definitely going outside the box.  The second, it is making fun of ads we generally see for condom commercials.  Sex sells and in this example it sells the product by hinting and making fun of an awkward aspect of safe sex.  Associating having "safe breath" or good breath with intimacy puts the idea into the buyers mind that they need to go out and buy Dentyne gum in order to get some :).

Gullible is Written in the Sky

So I got made fun of today for thinking that sea turtles live for about 200 years.  I guess Finding Nemo isn't exactly accurate with all their facts in the movie? In my defense, land turtles can live up to 188 years but that is the oldest ever recorded...apparantly, sea turtles live for 80 years.  In Finding Nemo, the sea turtle Crush states that he is "150 years old and still young".  The whole East Australian Current scene with the turtles is definitely my favorite part of that movie.  When doing research on IMBd I noticed there were a lot of inaccurate facts that the directors had in that movie.

I think its a shame that directors feel the need to change facts in order to sell a movie rather than having an accurate educational message.  So many kids and even young adults have seen this movie and this may seem like an insignificant example but I think it is a common theme in movies today.  What happened to having a mix between fun and educational movies?

Check it out: Crush the Turtle Scene from Finding Nemo

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

No "The 30 Day Facebook Challenge" is not giving up Facebook for thirty days, which I actually tried to do for lent (not Catholic but wanted to try it one time) but totally broke it after two long, devastatingly days; its actually a continuous monthly picture album.  A high school friend of mine tagged me in one of her pictures in the album and although I never partake in these type of activities including: chain emails, group likes on facebook or anything along those lines, I thought I would give it a try. Confession...I love taking pictures and posting them on Facebook.  I was attracted to the whole idea of using pictures to define an individual rather than words.  I started on February 1st, so technically I should be done in 3 days, but I've fallen a little behind, which is typical for a procrastinator like myself.  So far throughout the process I've found it hard to pick just one picture to define the statement that is given to me.  It also has brought to my attention the people who truly are important in my life and when I tag them in the picture it reinforces our bond by recognition (as superficial as it sounds).

Check it out: 30 Day Facebook Challenge

Brianna Victoria O'Connor

Who am I? I'm not completely sure yet...I mean I know what principles I stand for, what my likes/ dislikes are, who I choose to associate myself with, and etc. but I've never really understood why people ask questions like this because they will ultimately end up making their own assumptions about me regardless of how I think of myself.  Reality check, everyone is constantly making judgments about who they think you are based off of your actions and interactions within the community.  What I've come to realize is that no one can define me and only I can let what others say to me affect how I decide to live my life.

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. " Eleanor Roosevelt

At the present moment  I  AM...
a college student majoring in Dance and Advertising
       a member of the Delta Gamma sorority
           extremely clumsy
               apparently funny
                   a dancer
                     not a singer
                               a daughter/ sister
                                      God's child
                                            a friend
                                                 all about loving
                                                       Christian Science

Long term goals: Dance with a contemporary ballet company in Europe for a few years, get a job in the creative advertising field, and have a big family.
Short Term goals: Actually do the things on my "to do list", stay more organized, live in the moment, always take the opportunity to be social, don't sweat the small stuff and stay focused in school.