Sunday, March 6, 2011

Do the Right Thing

 A few weeks ago while I was getting my nails done with a dg sister of mine my car (named Mallory the Malibu) was hit in the parking lot.  I was told by a witness that a young teenager in a beemer scraped my left rear while trying to get into her parking spot.  Luckily, she left her daddy's name and number on my windshield.  While talking to the dad, who was very apologetic and extremely nice, he recommended the family body shop for me to go to...when I asked how many times they had used it he replied with a remark about teenage drivers and their driving skills - I quickly changed the subject.  Their families insurance covered it and all was well.  However, the next time we got our nails done my friend's car was hit in the same parking lot!  I understand that some parking lots can be tricky to park in but literally both my friend and I have never had any problems parking.  Her car was hit in the front on the right side, which is a really hard way to hit a car when you are pulling in to park.  Unfortunately, the person who hit her didn't have the common courtesy to leave a note.  Granted my friend drives a very nice BMW, but just because someone has a nice car doesn't mean they don't need to be treated with the same type of  respect.  In her case it's not even about the money, it's more about the hassle of getting her car fixed, which having gone through this myself recently is a lot of work and it affects other people who have to drive you and etc.  Just the feeling that another American citizen would do something like that and not own up to their actions is upsetting.  We have both learned that clearly this parking lot is not a good place to park but more importantly how far simple human decency can really go.  We are all human and we all make mistakes  but when you make one the only way to grow as a person and move on is to own up to it. 

*the damage is a little hard to see in the picture, but you get the point.

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